Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Day Three (in which things are hard but, in the end, wonderful)

Today started out with a tour of the very small, very stuffy, very warm and very architecturally wonderful Trinity Library. The librarian vascilates between sternness and a sort of "I'm your buddy" attitude that's a bit conflicting. I think she just wants to help (and not get coffee spilled on the books) but her demeanor wasn't exactly welcoming. Get this: her explanation of the computerized card catalog confused even me. I'm not sure how the others in the tour faired, but it doesn't bode well! Fortunately, I don't have to use the library much unless I want a place to escape from my room to.

Happily, as Lauren grows increasing annoying, she finds her own people to hang out with. She's found some people to go do things with so I've only seen her for about ten minutes total today. I think this is probably the way roommates are supposed to work. You live together, you get along all right but you don't spend every waking moment together. We can talk about our days when we do see each other, even though she doesn't listen to me at all. That's one of the things I find most infuriating: she simply does not listen or process anything you say to her. She's too busy talking herself or thinking about something she wants to do. Additionally, she chomps. Considering my poor room/roommate karma, you will hardly find this surprising.

Anyway, I went into town again today to try and finish up the endless list of shopping that crops up. I am still in need of a three-to-two adapter so if you could pick one (or two) of those up for me at Radio Shack or something, I'd be giddy. They don't have them here since the place is full of British people who need adapters, not Americans who need adapters. I've looked in just about every shop that could possibly sell them including a sporting goods store. Anyway, I went to Boswell's today (an old department store that has all kinds of things) and picked up a spoon, a knife, a plate, a cup and some washcloths. It felt rather nice to just buy one of everything since normally I get at least two to accomodate someone else. It was quite pleasant just getting one of each item. I also splurged and bought myself a little, goofy Oxford shot glass! I haven't bought anything that wasn't a necessity yet so I thought I'd indulge myself. I'll keep pence in it or something. It wasn't very expensive, anyway

Short of the library tour and the excursion to Boswell's, I spent my entire day reading my law books. I don't think I've every worked this hard for anything. I read and read and read. I had to reread paragraphs because my mind would just wander off while my eyes continued reading. I took notes, I repeated passages I didn't quite understand until I did and I went to other textbooks if I really didn't grasp something. It was unbelievably difficult and I was feeling rather dull by 3 when I had a meeting with Jessie, my law study-buddy. But starting at three and going through until the end of our tutorial session, I was flying high. It might well have been the hardest I've ever worked, but it's probably also the most wonderful and competent I've ever felt. I read it all and I knew it all and it was a fantastic feeling to apply it in discussion with my tutor who (obviously) knows so much more about it than we do. The director of our program was telling us how he's gotten emails from students who have started in the five colleges and gone on to attend places like Harvard telling him that here at Oxford was their best academic experience of all time. It seemed plausible but more like a sort of advertising plug than anything but now I really understand it and it's 100% true. It's just such an amazing feeling to just know something so well after only 24 hours and be able to talk about it intelligently. And my tutor is wonderful! She wants your brain to work for it but she's equally happy to explain a complicated concept if we were all really confused. We went fifteen minutes over our allotted hour and I could have gone for another hour still. It was amazing. So wonderful, worth everything.

Tonight there are drinks in the garden at 7:15 (everyone is much excited by the concept of being legal a year early simply by crossing an ocean) and then formal dinner at 8pm. Last night some other program was all dolled up in the garden quad and drinking champagne with orange juice so I think their formal dinner was last night. I don't think my dresses will really fit in (if that's what our program people will dress like), but I'm basically okay with it. I'll wear my long grey dress and feel pretty, if out of place. Courtney forgot (aka: didn't know we had these dinners) to pack something nice to wear so at least I'll look nice comparatively.

I'm very much off the hook after my 24 hours of intensive law readings. I don't have anything to read for class tomorrow and nothing due after that until Monday. Lauren and her friend Amanda want to go into London this weekend and invited me along. I might just travel in and out with them and go off on my own otherwise. I want to go to some museums and get some of that fabulous cheese from Harrod's! (Speaking of which, I went grocery shopping last night and picked up some "Mild British Cheddar", milk, Ritz crackers, sliced ham, jam and nutella. Now you see the necessity of having the knife, plate and cup. The spoon is for yogurt smuggled out of the dining hall. According to Lauren and Amanda, they frown upon that sort of thing although no one's tried to stop me yet.) Anyway, I want to go to Paris for July 14th but I think it might be too expensive and too difficult to get back after the fireworks at 10:30pm. It falls, rather conveniently, on a Friday this year. This Friday, though, I'm going with the program for a hike outside of Oxford. Hopefully the nice (sweltering) weather holds and it won't rain on our hike!

(You should know that I stopped here for about 15 minutes to plan going to Paris with Courtney, Yuan and Mike. The plan is not yet complete nor do Mike or Yuan know about it yet, but Courtney and I are very optimistic. *grin*)

Anyway, I'm off back to town to try and scrouge up some bottled water to put in the fridge since I'm constantly thirsty here. I'm also in need of a keychain since my keys look pretty sad. I attached a paper clip to them to distinguish them, but that just perpuates the kind of hang-dog look of them. Anyway, to town again! You'll love it when you come (which, by the way, I can't wait for!). We might not be the prettiest campus of all the colleges, but we get to share Oxford with all the rest so that's all right.

Love you both so much and I look forward to speaking with you tonight!

Hearts all over the place,


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