Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday (possibly day seven)

Today was an extraordinarily relaxing day. I spent the bulk of it hiding out in Mike's room doing my law readings. It's extremely slow going with the readings but it was so much calmer up in Mike's room. Just being up one floor let a lot more air into the room and both his windows open so that was a plus. Add to that the lack of Lauren, occasional Shakespeare discussion and the sporadic hilarity of law textbooks (the sheer volume of red tape at the UN slays me), and it was an excellent afternoon.

Dinner was a barbeque, but an indoor one which everyone found rather strange. We had paper plates, plastic silverware and plastic cups but it was all indoors. The only thing we could come up with that it was a tad bit chilly out so the cooks didn't want to go outside and grill the stuff properly. We all had hoodies on since we had to wait outside for the food anyway so outdoor eating wouldn't really have been a problem. But it was delicious and they had ice cream Mars bars which are completely wonderful (I highly recommend tracking them down) so it wasn't a true waste.

After dinner we (Yuan, Mike, Courtney and myself) went back to my room to make a firmer plan about what to do in Paris. Lauren, ever-lurking, found this adorable. So far we've got the Louvre, Montmartre, Napoleon's Tomb/the Military Mueum (free on Bastille Day!), a boat ride down the Seine and various Bastille Day activities. It should be really packed but good fun. I'm a little zonked right now so I'll just email tomorrow.


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