Thursday, July 13, 2006

Wednesday, July 12th

I spent the afternoon sequestered in the Trinity College Library. The library has a sort of comforting mustiness and echo of time about it. The ceilings are remarkably high with plaster decorations on them. At some point in the college's history, a second level of books was added for all the books pertaining to divinity so that they might be closer to the heavens. A winding wooden staircase leads up to the second level. Since I had no need for a divinity book, I had no need to go up there but if I ever felt like playing the tourist I would venture up. Every time I turned the page the sound of the paper would echo into the basically deserted space.

I thought it would be stifling in there, both temperature-wise and atmosphere-wise, but it was quite relaxing. Whoever designed that library knew what they were doing. It has this wonderful feeling of just libraryness that is indefinable. A few times it occurred to me how much more technologically advanced Smith's library is but that really was nothing in comparison with the feeling that emanates from Trinity College Library. It was a completely calming experience to sit in the leather chairs, read what former students had scribbled on the long, semi-divided table in their moments of academic distress (often written in other languages, including Latin) and pour over a ponderous volume of Edmund Burke.

We got to dinner late (Courtney was doing laundry) so there were only some sad remnants of the food that once was. I had some kind of vegetable patty with "extra tomato sauce" (this was an optional thing and one to which I perkily replied, "Yes please!" and was later mocked), snow peas (the perpetual side-dish) and some potatoes. Not quite meal of the year, but quite good nevertheless. After dinner I once more retired to the library to finish up some Sam Johnson reading. I was looking forward to this reading since Mr. Samuel Johnson is the author of the first dictionary in the modern sense of the word "dictionary." I wondered what he was like as a person and what his political affiliations were. Since I was reading a piece called "Taxation No Tyranny," I was pretty sure I'd get a good dose of Mr. Johnson's thoughts. Tragically, Johnson proved quite the disappointment. I have no problem with an Englishman of the 18th century taking the side of king and country as long as he articulates his points and actually argues against the prevailing arguments of those who were pro-American. Johnson chose instead of doing a point-counterpoint to ridicule the arguments of the pro-Americans and deride them at every turn. It was quite disappointing to turn up for some real debate only to get mockery and a distinct sense of the ridiculous from Mr. Johnson. That's not an argument, that's evading the question with smoke and mirrors. It didn't reflect well on the King's cause for me.

Upon finishing up Johnson, I headed back to my room only to find Lauren blaring the Doors as loud as she could. Within seconds she had whisked away on some errand, leaving me, the room and the Doors screeching out a heinous version of Van Morrison's "Gloria." I had no idea where she'd gotten off to, switched the music to the Doobie Brothers (alphabetically near the Doors) and headed off for Courtney's room. There I did some law readings (all regarding international law on the national stage and, conversely, national law on the international stage. Suffice to say, the relationship between treaties and municipal US law is extraordinarily convoluted.) and wrote up my presentation. Courtney had another film viewing (yet another version of Macbeth) at 10pm so I left her then and went back to my room. This was all but immediately intolerable. Happily, Mike came back from his film screening a little after ten and said I could come up to his room if I liked (and "bring your laptop, law library, whatever"). I lasted all of five minutes remaining in my room and high-tailed it up there piled down with books and my laptop. I ended up staying there until 3:37am. One of the many problems with not having a watch and Mike not having a clock.

Courtney and Yuan had agreed to meet up with us in Mike's room at midnight to figure out who owed what and to whom in terms of Paris. I finished up my presentation long before I thought I would so I got to spend some time just talking to Mike one-on-one. This wasn't as awkward as I had imagined (you are well aware of my lack of conversational skills and Mike professes to have an equal level of skill). Actually, it turned out to be quite nice and talked for a while about various things. Meanwhile, Courtney is chronically late and Yuan is chronically early so the latter turned up at 11:30 and the former at 12:30. At 12:30, we all headed out to the kebab van for some food to keep us awake a little while longer. We then figured everything out and Courtney basically ended up in debtor's prison since she didn't have money with her to pay either Yuan or myself. Us other three basically squared up with each other, though, so that was a relief to get out of the way. Both Yuan and Mike owe me an additional three pounds, but they can just buy me food at some point and I'll be happy.

I have no idea how I ended up in Mike's room until 3:37am. I thought it was possibly 2:30 when I left, I don't know where that hour went. But I was perfectly awake and I had to tell myself it was probably best if I went to sleep rather than do more law readings. The last two hours or so, Mike and I were basically half-asleep on the couch while Courtney futzed with Mike's computer, IM-ing people and playing with his iTunes account. Riveting good times as you can imagine. My attentions were primarily focused on a rather large moth that had somehow managed to get into the room despite two closed windows. Riveting.

So I'm going to Paris today! I am leaving today, Thursday, July 13, 2006! I can't believe it's already here. First, though, I have to go get Lauren's mom from the bus station (I know, I can't believe I'm doing this either) and then I can toss some stuff in my backpack and go! I'm elated! It's been a kind of see-us-through thing the past few days. Whenever something's going wrong, one of us four (usually Mike) will bring up that we're going to Paris and whatever the problem is will be a whole Channel away. Paris!

The only downside I can think of it the fact that I won't be able to write like this in Paris. I was pondering taking my laptop but it seems more trouble than its really worth. We don't know how safe the Hotel Tamaris is and I don't really want to have to worry about my laptop sitting in the room all day. I think Mike might be bringing his anyway and its lighter so I'll let him deal with it. If you have any thoughts on the subject, I'd be happy to hear them. If not, I'll have to write a hideously long entry on Monday or Sunday night. Goody, right?



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